Vol. 82 n. 2, 2011
Schiaparelli and his legacy
Milan, 19-20 October, Turin 21 October 2010
G. Trinchieri, and A. Manara
Session I: Life and science of Schiaparelli
A. Manara, G. Trinchieri | Schiaparelli and his legacy |
G. Giorello, L. Guzzardi | G.V. Schiaparelli: from scientific observations to scientific imagination |
G. Berlucchi | Some historical crossroads between astronomy and visual neuroscience |
A. Ferrari | Between two Halley's comet visits |
P. Tucci | The Diary of Schiaparelli in Berlin (26 October 1857-10 May 1859): a guide for his future scientific activity |
V.K. Abalakin | Some remarks on preparations for Giovanni Virginio Schiaparelli's journey to Russia |
S. Bianchi, D. Galli, A. Gasperini | G. V. Schiaparelli and the Arcetri Observatory |
S. Maffeo, S.J | G.V. Schiaparelli and Fr. A. Secchi, S.J. |
S. Débarbat | Schiaparelli and French astronomers |
A. Manara, A. Wolter | Mars in the Schiaparelli-Lowell letters |
E. Antonello | Schiaparelli and the dawn of astronomy |
S. De Meis | A few aspects of Schiaparelli's studies |
Session II: Modern planetary science
A. Cellino and A. Dell'Oro | Minor bodies: small actors in Solar System's history |
T. J. Jopek | Meteoroid streams and their parent bodies |
A. Coradini and R. Orosei | he exploration of Mars: past and future |
C.R. Perotti and M. Rinaldi | Mars and Earth topography: a preliminary comparative analysis |
D. Lupishko,V. Kaydash and Yu. Shkuratov | Global dust storms and highly polarizing clouds on Mars |
V. Rizzo and N. Cantasano | Textures on Mars: evidences of a biogenic environment |
W. Sheehan, J. Boudreau and A. Manara | A figure in the carpet: Giovanni Schiaparelli's classic observations of Mercury reconsidered in the light of modern CCD images |
J.I. Lunine | Extrasolar planets: the final frontier |
G. Scalera | Roots of modern geodynamical views in Schiaparelli's thought |
Section III: On the footsteps of Schiaparelli: future planetary scientific and robotic space missions
V. Giorgio (Chairman) | Introduction to the session on "Future planetary scientific and robotic space missions" |
E. Flamini | Bepi Colombo: the mission, the instruments |
J. van Casteren and M. Novara | BepiColombo mission |
V. Giorgio | From water to life: from Phoenix to EXOMARS |
E. Antonucci | Solar Orbiter. The need to go close to the Sun |
Section IV: On the footsteps of Schiaparelli: Human Space Exploration
P. Messidoro (Chairman) | Introduction to the Session on "Human Space Exploration" |
B. Gardini | ESA Strategy for human exploration and the Lunar Lander Mission |
F. Svelto | Technologies for Human Space Exploration: ASI PROGRAMS |
M.A. Perino | Human Space Exploration architecture study in TAS-I |
P. Messidoro | From ISS to Human Space Exploration: TAS-I contribution and perspectives |
R. Trucco, P. Pognant, S. Drovandi | PLANLAB: A Planetary Environment Surface & Subsurface Emulator Facility |
D. Boggiatto, D. Moncalvo | Systems and Technologies for Space Exploration: the regional project STEPS |
G. Chiocchia and E. Vallerani | Five years of the international SEEDS Master Course. A contribution to space exploration |